Pensati Libera e Ricorda che sei Abbastanza

People are angry. Not because a devastating earthquake killed over 15,000 people in Syria and Turkey last week, no it’s not that. People have a nag for not moving forward, for needing control and women inevitably always fall victim to weak people who need to find validation through the shaming and manipulation of others. So for anyone who thought we, globally as humankind, we’re leaving discriminations and biases based on gender in the past, well you probably have been living under a rock. 

Photo: Chiara Ferragni Instagram

There is something about a woman being happy, successful, vulnerable, a boss, a mother that just makes men’s skin crawl. Oh, and nothing gets them more fired up than when a woman who isn’t “skinny enough” posts anything resembling a happy life. 

And Chiara Ferragni is no stranger to dealing with shame and hate comments. For those who don’t know, who apparently are in fact living under a rock, she is the original influencer; she quite literally invented the job. Co-hosted the Sanremo music festival at the Teatro Ariston de Sanremo, a five day televised event where a singing competition takes place and the winners will go on to represent Italy at Eurovision. Same contest Maneskin won back in 2021 which led them to their famous win at Eurovision at Rotterdam. So yeah, Sanremo is an Italian national event that gains more and more popularity each year. 

Chiara Ferragni being an iconic global fashionista and Italian icon took the opportunity to deliver a powerful message, of course through fashion. 

Sanremo 2023 will be remembered by Chiara’s heartfelt, feminist message which was immortalized in not one but 4 custom made Dior gowns. A friendship that goes way back and is backed by their shared affiliation with feminism. Chiara Ferragni came out looking absolutely stunning in the most beautiful “naked” dress, symbolizing every word from her speech.  

A speech formatted as. A letter to her younger self, describing the journey she will go through in relation with her body. How it will become an obstacle as stereotypes will try to take it down. Dialogues surrounding how the way it looks or behaves is never good enough, never. How being a mother is what everyone will expect her to be, nothing more. A constant battle trying to be set free, one that at the end is up to us to ignore as, again, nothing is ever good enough. If you cover up you are a nun if you show too much you are a slut. So f that and every angry man or woman. You do you. 

“The body of us women must never generate hatred or shame”. 

Fashion is very powerful, it holds immense meanings and cultural associations and this time they were crystal clear. 

The Shameless Dress, which ironically can’t be shown on many social media platforms for indecency, was inspired by pictorial representations of Adam and Eve. As Eve was the original sinner carrier of shame, a dress that aims to take all that shame away. Tale as old as times but one that needs to be remembered quite often; women are not objects, they are human beings. Women have divinity, integrity, muscles, fat, brains, beauty, intelligence, feelings all of it. Dior’s talented team made an illusionist gown made from little nude beads punctuated with tiny rhinestones.

Another white, punk inspired, peplum, floor length gown was bejeweled with black pearls spelling out different hate comments from Chiara’s Instagram, phrases that are brought to the spotlight as a reminder of what people do to women.  Also, remember that words are meaningless, literally, specially coming from someone who hides behind a screen. 

The manifest dress and cage dress were both inspired by different feminist artists who since the 80’s have used art as a medium to spread the message. Claire Fontaine inspired the Pensati Libera black strapless gown, reminiscent of Dior’s classic silhouette. A banner dress reminding omen they need to imagine themselves free. Jana Srerback, the curator of the first meat dress, inspired the metaphor of wearing a cage only to let go of it and run free. 

Photo: Chiara Ferragni Instagram

So to everyone who still comments on women’s bodies like it is their job, stop. You are not needed nor welcome. Adieu. 


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