Carhartt, Streetwear, and the Never Ending Search for Authenticity
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Carhartt, Streetwear, and the Never Ending Search for Authenticity

Workwear as streetwear is back in a big way, and has been for a few years. Carhartt went from a brand supplying uniforms to railway workers to a streetwear staple with designer collaborations. To what extent is this trend appropriative, and to what extent is it a symbol of the ubiquitous nature of durable, affordable clothing?

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Yuhan Wang, Kill Bill, and Women’s Resilience
London Fashion Week Guest User London Fashion Week Guest User

Yuhan Wang, Kill Bill, and Women’s Resilience

Motorcycle clothes, made out of lace. Fanny packs strapped onto waists over panties. Women in lingerie carrying katana swords. These dichotomies, just a few examples of the many that were present in Yuhan Wang’s latest collection presented at London Fashion week on Sunday, capture perfectly what the collection was all about; femininity, resilience, and Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill.

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